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For the price of a flat of beer, my hubbie sold my mouth to some random guy!

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A member of my website contacted my husband and asked him how he could get a blow-job from me. My husband told him that as long as he brought a case of beer over, he could use my mouth as often as he wanted! I found out about the trade about 5 minutes before the guy came by, so I wasn't even dressed yet. My husband acceted the beer and then sent the guy to my bedroom where I was in the bathroom getting ready. He had a video camera with him so he shot the POV video that you see below. The first time, he came in about 2 minutes with his first squirt hitting me right in the thoat! Round # 2 took place about 10 minutes later in my bed with the last happening about an hour later. This guy sure got his moneys worth!

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